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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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tony let's get into this. the stalking start with benghazi former cia director recent very recently former cia director it's a whole other thing i suppose david petraeus testified on capitol hill today about benghazi i don't know if john mccain showed up for this when he missed the one yesterday that in any case he confirmed that the attack was indeed an act of terrorism consistent with what president obama had said in the rose garden the day after the attack here's the clip. no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for today we mourn for more americans who represent the very best of the united states of america. we will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act republicans john mccain and lindsey graham have been calling for watergate scale or type investigations into benghazi yet both mccain and graham skipped the hearing yesterday where the joint chiefs and the
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f.b.i. and the cia and everybody else came to tell the senators what they wanted to hear so my question and let me start with yours are republicans really serious about finding out what's going on what happened in gaza or is this all just you know like pulling out of whitewater and oh let's pull on rose travelgate and let's pull in let's find something that we can impeach this guy well first of all why water it up being a beer or serious issue where the attorney general is going to last thirty thousand bucks even the attorney general of the united states recognize the seriousness of it but does not really get that point to this particular issue is poppycock to say that that particular speech represents the president's statements and beliefs about the matter when in fact sixty minutes finally released their video some four or five days after that statement where he was flatly asked the question anything. that fact the truth of the matter is this administration knew that it was a terrorist attack from the very beginning but because it being a terrorist attack challenged their narrative about what how to treat the islamic
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parts of the world they downplayed it and in fact didn't take the necessary steps to make this problem let me get this right the conservative story line on this thing now is that the president of the united states risked blowing up his entire presidency by to deceive the nation because the facts were inconsistent with with his belief about how things should be don't have a right i'm very sure because what the trace said today was the first draft of his memo his intelligence report sent up into the ministration saying at tag al qaida and its affiliates as the attackers on that night and yes. the draft pops out of the white house the justice department a few days later is no mentioned now we will find out if that claim is true if that claim turns out to be true on paper we will know the agree to this fact that al qaeda is sort of like saying you know rebels these days it is about on the side is
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a particular islamic now work with fairly coherent beliefs it was the group that the group that literally lives in the town next to benghazi has or at least my my understanding is at the time that had no direct connection to any group that had anything to do with bin ladin. they just call themselves that because they are like we share your values we live in a networked world we do not need a general motors' in charge of our enemies and what they have is a network of allied and shared interests so for example the guy organizing the protest outside of the cairo u.s. embassy on september eleventh is the brother of his head they are shared beliefs shared family shared ideology and we will know very soon if the president scrubbed from that report in order to shield himself from media scrutiny but. i don't think the president has anything to hide when it comes to a card i mean he's been his bloodthirsty as anybody when it comes to going after al
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qaida whether it's actual terrorists or whether it's twelve year old little girls with. the idea that he's been weak which prompted this attack as you know completely misunderstand what we're dealing with we're dealing with islamicists some of them wear suits some of them carry guns the president has been very friendly the ones who wear suits and as a result the guys with the suits are lacking the guys with the guns is this is this is really you guys really believe this that the president of the state somehow is all about the train his country because you know training is country lying to the american people is what he did he did it on september twelfth the same way he said i want to raise your taxes one the same way he said if you like your doctor you can keep it the same way here. made myriad number of promises from what the unemployment level would be this large. this president is the doing of this idea of making deals like as if this is something new i mean during the iraq surge the iraq war surge deals were made with some of
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the most brutal warlords i mean this is the way that the game is their own it to believe if only i agree diplomatic attacks have been drastically down under president obama's administration to any president the last thirty years of course this stuff is going to happen especially with the policy we have of nation building in drone warfare in the middle east this stuff is going to happen now yes we should try to prevent it but the best way to do that is not will end in disaster when our ambassador and a team of people are murdered and you come forward and you admit that it's there a bit of your child to do here is he did not do it on the radio anything his ambassador out to say that it was the video here is that here is the cia talking points that was given to the president to investor rice before she went out and you know this is been released now by the cia the currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in gaza were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the u.s. embassy in cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the u.s. diplomatic post in the gaza and subsequently its antics there are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations general petraeus this report
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is saying today is that is not the cia memo that's the edited cia memo that came out of the white house the first draft of that memo said the president has gambled that he could deal with these nominees by talking to them his gamble so here's the essence of what you're saying and i'm assuming fox news and all the right wing talk show hosts in the in the conservative entertain tamely complex are saying is that the president because he wants to somehow protect. his relationship to get his own if the world is willing to betray an american lie to you know he believes he can persuade the islamists and reconcile them to modernity as opposed to killing about love well i'm calling him out right or wrong i'm calling him a liar but i'm not calling him a liar for. the reasons you describe the fact of the matter is they knew that al qaeda i am that it was a terrorist attack because he thought it could harm him in this upcoming election whatever he needed to. do george w. bush is like that these mailers they came together as were going to don't you don't
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resolve the lying on the part of one person by identifying the lying on the part of another source of your residence has made it you're seriously and we're going to find out you're seriously out here you're seriously trying to tell me that this guy this president states who's dropping who's dropping bombs on the heads of people all over pakistan to the point that they're there. he's killed more people than any other president has extrajudicial killings including american even without a trial but this guy is so aggressively out there killing al qaeda that all of a sudden he's decided he doesn't like to kill. and he bet is a characterize it changed their mind keep mischaracterizing to try i did not i said what he is lobbying about the facts his policy isn't war he wanted to get reelected and to have a discussion about his think you want to get you want to get reelected so he's
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going to kill al qaeda but he's going to talk about understand they're going to talk about what he was going to strategically kill off by shooting them and negotiation with islamised but in fact the islamic friends of the guys in allied he's trying to appease the these lamas since suits and that means you guys need to make work this out between those who are very passionate it's diversity in the center shocking as it may seem but the problem is we will find out soon the extent of the strategic error which was exposed by the jihad the attack on september eleventh he rushed to cover up his policy failures on the night of the attack that's what this is all extraordinary marital because you has dropped enough drones on these. this is the message. that is up at yonder he does not speaking of the speaking of the the terrorists in suits let's move along to the banks years who just took over hostess actually didn't just take over as they took over hostess in one thousand nine hundred five they've they've stripped and dumped this company
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twice they've stripped all the money out of it they've loaded up with that it's got to do bankruptcies the c.e.o. just took a three hundred percent pay increase as he was saying no i'm sorry we can't pay our workers anymore who are already took at thirty percent a. hostess brands as they're going to shut down their facilities the right wing media is blaming this on the unions i think it's fairly clear this is this is the bane capitals of the of the radio read is a bread is a commodity the prices are being forced down it's a ruthless business and perfectly except most of your argument that the management is ruthless and incompetent find. the problem is it's a commodity business where margins are getting driven down all the time and it does not help this country to import large quantities of low skilled labor when we should be investing in high scale technology high skilled companies and instead don't live band don't don't try and prop up low wages with government regulations try and educate and make for higher technology. we should all everything should go
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to computers and to hell with the american we're no the truth of the matter is very likely the host is cupcakes and twinkies are going to come back and continue in other companies who want to acquire the rights to them but those jobs those jobs are gone and it was the union leadership that is destroyed those particular jobs to go to people taking their cue obsession over the last year well guess what years they need to take some more but not a c.e.o. not the c.e.o. of a mob going to three hundred or so. they have no jobs but a leadership that sits there and says i'm more upset about your pay increase mr executive then the people i represent is a leadership that's out of leadership that's out of touch or are business owners who don't give a damn about their workers and would rather focus on their own profits and their own and the ordinary leader who care so much about your union leadership members i mean your union members that you've actually literally negotiated them out of the job i mean this is where you know what i'm asking the c.e.o. to take a seven hundred thousand dollars compensation package like you took last year not
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a two and a half million dollars compensation back to well and beyond it's beyond that your comment horace betrays i'm assuming not in ignorance. but but union leaders don't negotiate packages and impose them without a majority vote of the membership unions or yes it does with my so this has to be or this members did it to themselves you are playing. serious this are you it is work but to go on strike it to take a vote by democratic process you mean stalin ism and i repeat that contained i mean . majority roes be the union leadership in this country is not responsive to the needs of the people it couldn't give a damn about it has no choice to respond to that really underlines where as a former union member i will testify that management worker relations can get very bad very quickly and i will and in management is often responsible for the air but don't go on a high horse complain by republicans it is democrats who emphasize the low wage
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economy by deliberately importing large quantities of low wage low skill workers he's going to have to do with host has been stripped by a by a bain capital labor. bain capital case of holst's that all this is death by a banking labor cost no this is the reagan change everybody has to accept you know you have to michelle's concessions that are largely contributed to by the low wage labor force that money so that is the shovel money off of the banks there's shovel money up to the c.e.o.'s and the workers out of it without when they're out of a job now is that better and will give mr highhanded it will long among the biggest donors to the president his two thousand and eight election was goldman sachs i'm afraid the bankers investment both parties. more more of tonight's big picture robert right after work.
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any time. well imagine the big picture rumble joining me tonight our horace cooper conservative commentator neil munro white house correspondent of the daily caller and sam sax progressive commentator contributor to truth or let's get back to a denny's franchisee fellow by the name of john mattes as growing as joined the growing list of c.e.o.'s who say that they are going to fire workers or cut back on their hours to avoid having to give them health insurance zain temple tinkle tangle at applebee's and robert murray of murray energy have also announced layoffs so so two of the owners of olive garden and papa johns but while the big businesses struggle to give health care to their employees by the way it doesn't kick in for another two years i don't know why these guys are doing all this right now but for no you're i have pizza in wisconsin
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a chain of pizza stores in wisconsin says obamacare levels the playing field for us like sixty percent of small businesses they provide health care to all of their employees and they are looking forward to the day that papa johns has the exact same expense that they do so as a small business they can compete with the big business what's wrong with having small businesses and big businesses on the same playing field course when only the government's business is into so making sure everybody is playing on the exit and playing field because people bring different skills different values different resources different innovations to the table so what i would add oh what i will add however is we've discussed before employers were telling their him. wally's this election is going to be consequential how you choose is going to make a real difference not just in our lives but in the lives of all of us who participate in this work force people didn't want to believe that in fact some people let's take this show condemned that idea now it really you don't want to see
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the reality it's not even reality let's face it corporate profits under president obama are at seventy seven percent of grown seventy seven percent that's number one since nine hundred second is warren harding at seventeen percent corporations have done very well under president obama it's working people that actually haven't done very well at all and the great irony here is that all these big businesses that are now going to have to provide health care for their employees they shouldn't spend so much log time water you can see for character the should have spent a lot of money lobbying for single payer health care so that they would have to worry about how there are irony papa john's stock has tripled since obama became president why isn't this guy kissing with. a new crony capitalist economy and of course big companies are going to profit and make out but the thing i am puzzled by is progress as are the ones who designed this health care system for the country how did they not predict upfront progresses to the house that you didn't predict up front that. the suchlike would do would raise prices all this is perfectly managed out of washing said i'm going to tell you what you want to do what else doc want to hold on washington what obama needs if you're resorting to place when obamacare
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went into place in massachusetts we didn't see these to slow don't ask don't ask moderates in fact and central government even at the state level health care system if progress is are so good at planning our health care system they would have predicted this they would have headed off the problem if would be no answer to the status of all of their complaint is to admit they got robbed of their also medicare is they really just make this guy taking a break for a moment here and. single payer health care is what progressives who are advocating for you do what the this you guys are that we're all debating here is a very small number of very political c.e.o.'s who are taking some relatively small measures in the weeks since. election thousands of people have been hired all over the country nobody is waving a flag going oh in those they just got hired because of obama thousands of people got laid off all of that kind i don't know there's way even if this is the. home of two thousand and thirteen and let's discuss the unemployment rate absolute promise
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you but not just obamacare but the nearly three hundred executive orders a new regulations that the president has held off and will now only start again you are are going to assault this economy it's the end of america and as we all going to experiment in california we're going to pass along sweden progressives have been in charge for decades in california that state is now a quarter of the population has is now poverty they snatch ten republicans are actually there is because they match the state that had a republican you know the poverty from mississippi california has now if people want to get in this is this is because the republicans british threw a requirement that there be a supermajority in the in the state assembly to increase taxes and that supermajority has been thwarted by republicans and a republican governor you know you want to talk about california majority in california so now they can literally sells out of modern watch and see how much faster they head down to the devastation i think it is of all right you have raised what. we have c.e.o.
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is right now who are getting in the political game who can because of citizens united to lower their taxes to get more breaks and they're willing to lay off workers in the short short term so the long run they can get a republican president in power so they can get all this morning done puzzle you guys are progress if you believe in a big government of course you're going to get involved in government if it's be just the last question of you know will will will go out on that point and deal with the actually probably some group here last question quite far with hostess going out of business we know their products have a very long shelf life which dessert will each of you guys be hoarding to put up on e bay ten years from now so that you can make a you know a big profit off that will it be twinkies ding dongs or ho hos sam. i won't be pretty but i do carry a drink you with me. every day. easy twinkies a right of citizenship for all americans i've got some stored away for my children when they're old enough i to think of eating of the twinkie i am an american and for us i say the direction of this president's taking the economy there will be no
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in may to put the twinkies on one foot here or at thank you horace say that's because you know. what does it take for a foreign corporation to get the corporate death penalty in the united states of america it's a question we need to ask ourselves after news broke yesterday of b.p.'s legal settlement over its gulf oil spill disaster or crime in two thousand and ten eleven workers were killed when their oil rig exploded and for three months five million barrels of toxic crude gushed into the gulf of mexico as b.p. never made contingency plans for the sort of obvious crisis and therefore was
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trying to find a way to plug the hole. that oil killed marine life it blanketed coastlines and put gulf coast small businesses out of business so this day we still don't know the long term effects of this catastrophe on the ecosystem or our food chain which is now contaminated with iowa's shrimp qualis crabs and other oil mutated aquatic freak shows not to mention the human cancers that will show up in future decades so now the foreign corporation responsible for all this b.p. used to be called british petroleum is just going to cut a small check and then go back to business as usual punching holes in the gulf b.p. pled guilty to fourteen felony and misdemeanor charges and agreed to pay a four and a half billion dollar fine the largest criminal fine in our nation's history but for a corporation that just announced it earned five point four billion dollars in the last three months b.p. knows they got off easy. the organization public citizen notes claims are arising
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from the gulf disaster which killed eleven workers and did untold damage puts the company's liability at a minimum of fifty one and a half billion dollars that's more than ten times will be p. will end up paying. as part of a sum and the government still reserves the right to charge to two b.p. employees for manslaughter it will likely be too low level workers who will have to take the fall for the entire corporation and the industry there repeatedly ignored regulations and cut safety corners just to maximize their quarterly profits because there are two tiered criminal justice system one for the rich and one for everybody else rarely do corporate suits go to jail all together the settlement will do very little to change the corrupt scam that the oil barons are running on the american people as a spokes person for public citizen were stunned the settlement is pathetic but the
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point of the criminal justice system is twofold to punish and to deter and this does not in a tragic irony that proves public citizens point news broke on friday the day of another oil rig exploding off the coast of louisiana early reports indicate two workers are dead and another two workers are missing perhaps if our criminal justice system had taken swifter action against b.p. and followed through by banning the company from doing business in the united states the entire industry might shape up and maybe just maybe if that had happened a group of oil men in louisiana would still be alive today. our nation has a long history with the corporate death penalty beginning in the early eighteen hundreds of laws were passed in several states to make it easier for legislators to revoke corporate charters if businesses were operating against the public's interest and this routinely happened in ohio mississippi and pennsylvania banks
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were shut down for being financially unsound in new york and massachusetts corporations that ran the turnpikes were given a corporate death sentence for not keeping the roads in good repair in eight hundred twenty five twenty states that amended their constitutions to make it easier for each state to revoke alter or a no corporate charters whenever a corporation quote may be injurious to citizens of the community. and in just one year eight hundred thirty two the state of pennsylvania sentenced ten corporations to death revoking their charters for quote operating contrary to the public interest and quote this continued in the late eighteen hundreds when whiskey trusts sugar corporations and oil corporations were all put to death in several states across the nation and new york workers petitioned the state supreme court to slay the beast that was standard oil for labor abuses in one thousand nine hundred four
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the court obliged and revoked standard oil of new york's corporate charter in that state and yet here we are today more than a century later with the gulf of mexico ruined eleven men dead and countless other lives ruined and the overseas corporation responsible for all this mess has free reign to do business anywhere it wants in the united states because our justice system has been neutered by corporate power if corporate charters were contingent on corporations operating in the best interests of the public as they used to be in our nation we get some wong over do. for the corporate death sentences the big five oil companies for example conoco phillips chevron exxon mobil royal dutch shell and b.p. dumped a billion pounds of carbon pollution into our atmosphere every day fueling asthma cancer epidemics and local communities as well as global warming but
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they don't have to pay for those externalities caused by their pollution we the taxpayers pay for the extra burden on our health care system just like we are not the oil companies have to pay for our military machine that keeps the oil lanes open so these companies can make billions to even get cheap gasoline out all of us now no matter how you slice it these oil companies especially b.p. are not operating in the public interest they need to be put down they've broken their contract with we the people and unless we want to continue to see smoldering oil rigs just off our coast and massive oil slicks in our waters and we must bring back the corporate death. and that's the way it is tonight friday nov sixteenth two thousand and twelve. for more information on any of the stories we've covered visit our website to thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com if you missed any of that i'd show you can now watch it in h.d.
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